2024 TI CPI: Singapore Rises 2 Spots to 3rd Least Corrupt Country in the World, Top in Asia Pacific
The 2024 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index (TI-CPI) has ranked Singapore the 3rd least corrupt country in the world out of 180 countries with a score of 84. Singapore improved by 2 rank positions and 1 score point from the 2023 TI-CPI. This is Singapore’s highest position since 2020 and the first time since 2010 that Singapore is top in the Asia Pacific region.
2. The TI-CPI ranks and measures countries by their perceived levels of public sector corruption. The 2024 index draws upon 13 expert assessments and business surveys. Countries are then scored on a scale of zero, for highly corrupt, to 100, for very clean.
3. The corruption situation in Singapore remains firmly under control. In the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2024, Singapore was ranked 3rd for absence of corruption, the top Asian nation out of 142 countries. The Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC) continues to rank Singapore first as the least corrupt country in its 2024 Report on Corruption in Asia, the US and Australia out of 16 economies, a position we have held since 1995. Domestically, the number of public sector corruption cases remain consistently low.
4. Singapore’s reputation as one of the least corrupt countries in the world is hard-earned. Our people continue to hold a strong stance against corruption, and will come forward to report wrongdoings to the authorities. CPIB studies all reports and information that may disclose a corruption offence seriously, whether the informant is known or anonymous. CPIB is grateful to the public for their trust and support and remains resolute in keeping our home corruption-free.