Corruption Casebook 2: Hidden Victims of Corruption

CPIB partnered with students from the Singapore Polytechnic Media, Arts & Design School, a journalist from The Straits Times and the Attorney-General’s Chambers to co-create an educational book for teenagers entitled The Corruption Casebook 2: Hidden Victims of Corruption. This resource aims to educate youth that corruption is not a victimless crime and its pitfalls through vivid illustration of actual CPIB cases and interactive activities.
Download at the link below:
The Corruption Casebook 2 - Hidden Victims of Corruption (Part 1)
The Corruption Casebook 2 - Hidden Victims of Corruption (Part 2)

The Corruption Casebook - Stories From Under The Table
Corruption has far-reaching consequences in various aspects of society. As part of CPIB’s prevention and outreach efforts, the CPIB has developed an e-Book titled “The Corruption Casebook - Stories From Under The Table” featuring stories on past cases of corruption. We hope it will be an interesting and insightful read, especially for our youth who may not have encountered corruption before.
Download at the link below:
The Corruption Casebook - Stories From Under The Table
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