The Human Touch

Thomas Cheo
I was investigating Steven* for a corruption offence. Through my interviews with him, I learnt that Steven had a young child who was suffering from a serious medical condition and that his wife was unemployed. In the course of the investigation, Steven passed away and knowing that the family was in need of financial assistance, I offered to put the family in contact with the relevant social services so that the family could continue to receive the proper care and assistance. Steven’s wife was very grateful. My story is not unique or special.
The human touch – As investigators, our job at the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) is to uncover the truth and ensure that corrupt offenders are brought to task. However, the human touch is also equally important. I joined the CPIB with a lofty ambition to eliminate corruption. I did not expect to discover a human and softer side to the Bureau amidst the noble mission.
The CPIB has a fearsome reputation, yet at the same time, it is not hesitant to step in and help their fellow man when the occasion warrants it.
*Name has been changed.